Is it your turn to become really electrical smart?
The app gives you full control over your electricity usage and makes it easy to predict the electricity grid cost. Here are some of the things you can do in the app:
Overview of your electricity use
• See when your power peaks occur
• Track your energy use
• Keep a close eye on when the spot price is at its lowest
Analysis of your electricity use down to the smallest detail
• Compare day by day, month by month, year by year
• Predict your electricity usage and grid cost
Keep track of your electricity costs
• Cost summary month by month
• See the effect of your own energy transition in kroner
• Pay directly or schedule your payment easily in the app
Latest news about electricity and our best tips
• Energy advice directly in the app
• Inspirational advice on how to take the next step in the energy transition
• Insight into what is happening right now
Download the app now and keep track of the electricity in a simple and convenient way
It's super easy to log in with BankID - and if you have several homes where we supply electricity, you can quickly switch between accounts by clicking on the address at the top of the app's home view.
Everyone in the family can join!
Are there more people in the family who want to become as electrically smart as you who are on the electricity network agreement? Share the app and everything you can find in it to as many people as you want, together we make an even bigger difference!
Ready, done, save electricity!